
Andreas Schmid (*1955), 飛白 — fei bai — Überflogenes Weiß, 2018, ink on paper, 30 × 20 cm

Artist Workshop

Cliffs like ‘flying white’ —
trees like seal script

22. April 2018


Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin
Nürnberger Straße 49
10789 Berlin

Who hasn’t at some point had the urge to hold an ink brush in their hand?

In the artist workshop with Andreas Schmid you can do that and more: immerse yourself in ink, concentration, correct posture and glide across the paper. Follow the trail of ink: fulminant black, washed-out grey, raggedly irregular, flowing into white – the “flying white” 飛白 (Fei Bai), that lends its name to this current exhibition in the Hegenbarth Collection is only one of various possibilities.

After a practical tutorial, participants proceed to experiment with the use of the brush. Viewing the exhibited works and learning about the origins and systematics of Chinese pictographic round off the practical experience.


Workshop fee,  20 € / person.
registration required until 13. April 2018

Further workshop on 13. May 2018 (14—15.30).

Ruf: (030) 23 60 99-99

Andreas Schmid, Calligraphy Workshop, Konfuzius-Institut Bremen, 2015, © photo: Konfuzius-Institut Bremen
Performance of Chinese calligrapher Wang Dongling, Aktionsraum Deichtorhallen Hamburg, 2016, © photo: Archiv Andreas Schmid
Josef Hegenbarth (1884—1962), Straßenszene (Street Scene, Detail), 1959, brush painting, © Josef-Hegenbarth-Archiv, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, VG Bild-Kunst 2018, photo: Markus Stegner
Andreas Schmid at a calligraphic performance in 1987 during a China week in Berlin, 1987, © photo: Wolfgang Arlt
Andreas Schmid in a meeting with students of the Institute of Art Education Giessen, 2003, © photo: Archiv Andreas Schmid
Guo Xu, (1456—1532), Daoist Immortal, Ming dynasty (1368—1644), ink on paper, © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Asiatische Kunst, photo: Jürgen Liepe

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