Corinne Laroche, Mes très riches heures (permanence 2018), 2018, Buntstift auf Papier,
50 × 65 cm, © HSB / Corinne Laroche
Flying White (IV)
Corinne Laroche:
Point(s) de Hasard.
(No) Random points
23. January — 12. April 2019
Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin
Nürnberger Straße 49
10789 Berlin
Open: Tuesday—Friday 12—16 h and by appointment
Admission free and barrier-free
Exhibition opening: Wednesday, 23 January (19—21 h)
Family workshop for children: Sunday, 27 January (12—14 h) in German and French
Sunday matinee (11—14 h) with public guided-tour (11.30 h): Sunday, 17 February and 17 March in German and French
Artist’s Talk: Friday, 25 January (19 h)
with Corinne Laroche (Paris), Frizzi Krella, Art Historian (Guardini Stiftung Berlin) und Prof. Mark Lammert, Artist (Universitäty of Fine Arts Berlin)
Walk and Talk: Friday, 22 February (19 h)
with Dr. Andreas Schalhorn, Art Historian (Kupferstichkabinett Staten Museums Berlin)
Conzert in the current Exhibition: Wednesday, 27 März (20 h)
First Release and composed by Luca Staffiere (*1990) with Henriette Scheytt (Violin)
During the exhibition a catalogue is available with accompanying text in French, English and German, together with numerous illustrations. (Corinne Laroche: Dessins, Drawings, Zeichnungen. Paris: galerie laurent mueller, 2015.)
€ 35,—
ISBN 979-10-90674-14-1
order here
From point to point to here and now
This exhibition by the French artist provides a conclusion to a series of exhibitions that have been linked to East-Asian concepts of imagery. Corinne Laroche reduces the act of drawing to a minimum: the paper stores the act of drawing and represents experienced time almost without gestural action. For her, this process represents a meditative practice of emptying and filling. In this way, do points of coincidence occur or not? The French title, ‘Point(s) de Hasard’ can signify both.
The Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin is showing more than 30 black and white, as well as coloured works, on paper by Corinne Laroche that were created between 2010 and 2018. The exhibition runs from 24 January until 12 April.
The artist was born in 1957, in Toulon and began her training at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts in Paris, to begin with as a painter. Her works are characterised by a specially developed line structures, that are filled in onto blotting paper with felt pens either singly or in bundles. The temporal factor plays a central role, because Laroche sits immobile, often for hours, in front of the sheet of paper and allows the ink to be absorbed by the paper, in a controlled manner but still without any gestural movement. The drawing surface thus stores the process or rather the experienced time lapse onto its surface area. Depending on the artist’s state on the day and the time, she works with varying amount of energy, following the points of cross-over — fills in with cross-hatching or leaves points of varying size and extent to emerge. Here, only at first glance, are we dealing with points of coincidence.
For Corinne Laroche, this process represents a meditative practice. And it is exactly there that her work reveals clear parallels with East-Asian concepts of imagery, which are characterised by a tense relationship between emptiness and fullness, from decentralised composition and flowing transitions, similar to that of fei bai (flying white). This technique was traced back and compared with Chinese ink paintings and the works of Josef Hegenbarth (Flying White I — the Eastern Hegenbarth). This viewpoint was extended to take in the works of contemporary artists (Flying White II — Thomas Baumhekel: Arkona. German Landscape in Japanese; Flying White III — Heinz Handschick: Hand Drawings). In this way, Corinne Laroche represents an excellent conclusion to this four-part exhibition series.
Die Ausstellungsreihe ‚Überflogenes Weiß‘ im Überblick
I. Überflogenes Weiß — Der östliche Hegenbarth. Die Wahlverwandtschaft Josef Hegenbarths (1884—1962) mit der traditionellen chinesischen Tuschmalerei (Februar bis Mai 2018)
II. Thomas Baumhekel (*1963) — Arkona. Deutsche Landschaft japanisch. Die poetische Kraft der japanischen Zeichen in Wechselwirkung mit Einzelarbeiten von Paul Klee (1879— 1940), Caspar David Friedrich (1774—1840) und der performativen Arbeit von Nicole Wendel (*1975) (Juni bis September 2018)
III. Heinz Handschick (*1931) — Handzeichnungen. Arbeiten auf Leinwand und Papier aus dem Jahrzehnt von 2008 bis 2018 (Oktober bis Dezember 2018)
IV. Corinne Laroche (*1957) — Point(s) de Hasard. (Keine) Punkte des Zufalls. Löschpapier- und Buntstiftzeichnungen (Januar bis April 2019)