Josef Hegenbarths Farben, diasec by Werner Lieberknecht, 2014 *
Josef Hegenbarth's Palette
23. April — 29. June 2015
Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin
Nuernberger Strasse 49
10789 Berlin
Solo show
Opening: Wednesday, 22 April, 19:00—21:00 — The Opening
Childrens' opening with programme: Sunday, 26 April, 12:00—14:00
In spring 2015, the entire spectrum of Hegenbarth’s oeuvre was on show at the first ever exhibition of the Hegenbarth Collection Berlin. Along with the motif of the the original palette used by the artist, which we regard as an emblem of his substantial legacy, we have presented a prime selection of the artist’s works on paper now held by the collection: literary or biblical themes, everyday street scenes, animal life, and portraits of people at work or leisure, in the zoo, circus, theatre, or in parks and cafés, here brought to life with pen, brush or needle in Indian ink, distemper or watercolours.
We regard the colour palette of the artist as a symbol for his extensive work. From these pigments Hegenbarth created a very independent and individual colour programme which can be experienced in the exhibition. The palette was restored in 2012 and has since been displayed in Hegenbarth's former home and studio in Dresden-Loschwitz which is today kept as a branch of the Kupferstichkabinett.
Josef Hegenbarth took long daily walks around Dresden. We find in him an attentively observing chronologist, not of historic events but rather of his time with its people, its specific characteristics and phenomena. Besides portraits he developed whole typologies of his fellow men. Some of these characters can be traced in a number of his drawings, as well as animals — another of his favourite motifs. Remarkably often a dog — the artist's alter ego — appears in countless scenes as an uninvolved observer. To this particular topic we will devote the next exhibition in summer “Tiere schauen/ Looking at Animals Looking at Us”.
Often Josef Hegenbarth's illustrations show a resemblance with caricatures or even comics. His portraits never appear compromising or cynical, although his pen is very sharp. They give constant proof of a sympathetic, occasionally humorous attitude. Hegenbarth must have been one of them. He blended in groups of zoo visitors, circus guests, apparently nobody took notice of him, neither did he stand out in restaurants or cafés.
For the future, the Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin is planning a series of theme shows, always based on Josef Hegenbarth's oeuvre, also combined with works by colleagues and artist friends of his times or in dialogue with artists of today who work in affinity concerning subject, technique and approach. Further on, the Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin is preparing cooperations with other institutions, private and corporate projects.

A catalogue with many illustrations has been published
with an essay by Bernhard Maaz (German/ English), 48 mostly full-page pictures as well as numerous literary (German) snapshots
page through the book
Information & mail order
96 pages, 16,— EUR
ISBN 978-3-945970-00-3
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*) © Josef-Hegenbarth-Archiv, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, photo: Werner Lieberknecht